Jab means “devil”, and it is a form of masquerade played on the carnival monday morning (J’ouvert).
The traditions of J’ouvert vary widely throughout the Caribbean although in countries like Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, a part of the tradition involves smearing paint, mud or oil on the bodies of participants known as “Jab Jabs”. Jab’s authentic and captivating African rhythms consists of drumming, conch shell blowing and chanting. Dance like the devil – Jump with the Jab!
This edition includes two versions of “Jab Jab”. It includes the original version, and also a specially extended version originally written for the Bournville Clarinet Choir summer concert 2022. Please note that the two versions are significantly different so parts are not interchangeable, make sure you’re all reading from the same version!
Both versions of the trio can be played by any three equal clarinets, or two Bb clarinets and a Bb bass clarinet.
The E-Edition PDF bundle comes with the following:
Clarinet in Bb 1
Clarinet in Bb 2
Clarinet in Bb 3 (or Bass Clarinet in Bb) Jab Jab is also available in the following editions:
Jab Jab (clarinet duet edition)
Jab Jab (flute trio edition)
Jab Jab (saxophone duet edition)
Jab Jab (saxophone trio edition)